2013/14 Upgrades
In 2013/14 the works for the new kitchen and new toilets (including disabled facilities) were completed, thereby providing modern facilities for all visitors. This work was achieved with the help of a Big Lottery Fund Awards for All Grant. Vale of the White Horse Community Capital Grants and a Parish Council Grant. We have already received a grant from the Sir William Cash Fund. Our thanks go to all these organisations for their support. During September 2014 the external windows, doors etc were eased, repaired and decorated as necessary. Parts of the large front window were replaced.
2015 Refurbishments
In early 2015 we refurbished, insulated and updated the main hall and the committee room – opening up the ceiling and exposing the old high windows which now have secondary glazing. This work was funded by grants from Vale of White Horse District Council, TOE2 supported by Grundon and Wayland Consulting Ltd., and Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation together with donations from the community and fund raising events.
The results of work give Ashbury an attractive venue for events, parties etc. The hall reopened in mid-April 2015. Finally we were delighted to have received a grant of £500 from Yvonne Constance’s Community Budget Fund towards the purchase of new chairs for the hall.
Re-Opening of the Village Hall
Over the weekend of Saturday 18/19 April 2015 the Village Hall committee hosted three events to allow as many people as possible to view the new Textile Map and the newly refurbished village hall. Over 200 people participated.
Unveiling of the Textile Map
On the Saturday morning the map was unveiled by Mandy Parker from Redcliffe Homes who had funded the textile map.
Other guests were Cllr Mike Badcock, Chairman of Vale of White Horse District Council who had given grants towards the refurbishment of the hall, The Mayor of Wantage, Fiona Roper, Abi Brown, the Community Arts Officer, Anne Griffiths the textile artist and Stuart Roper (design artist) who took photos of houses and designed the map.
Cream Tea and Historical Walk
On Saturday afternoon there was a cream tea and on Sunday afternoon a historical walk of Ashbury and Kingstone Winslow followed by cake and tea/coffee and another opportunity to view the hall and map.