This page lists the organisations, societies and clubs within our Village. Entries are listed in alphabetical order. Each entry includes a contact number or related web page from which more information can be sought. Why not consider joining up! Please note that this page can only be kept up-to-date if those involved alert us as soon as possible to the need for amendments, additions or deletions.
Ashbury Parochial Church Council
Ashbury PCC comprises the clergy and churchwardens of the Parish, plus a number of representatives of the laity. It is responsible, in co-operation with the incumbent vicar, for promoting the mission of the Church within its Parish. Contact: PCC Secretary – 710801
Ashbury School Prayer Group
A small group which meets once every half term for a few minutes at the beginning of the day to pray for all those involved in the School, for its activities and for forthcoming events. All are welcome.
Bell Ringers
Volunteer bell ringers are needed in order that the bells at St Mary’s Church can be rung regularly. Training is available. Practices take place from 7.30pm on the First Thursday of every month. Contact: Allister and Susie at
Bishopstone Gardening Society
The Society is up and running again and will meet at Bishopstone Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm on the second Wednesday of the month.
Friends of Ashbury School
The Friends of Ashbury School are a group of parents and friends of the school who organise social and fundraising events. Contact: Eliza Lewis or James Greenham.
Friends of Ashbury Church
The Friends of Ashbury Church devise a variety of creative activities to raise funds towards the upkeep and restoration of our historic church. Contact: 710208
Indoor Bowls
Around seventeen indoor bowls enthusiasts meet every Thursday evening at 7.30pm in Ashbury Village Hall. New members are always welcome, including those living outwith the village. Contact: 710255
Local History Society
A new venture – The Living History Project – has just been launched. Read more and contribute your own recollections and memories by contacting Marion Turner (790181) or Ray Gigg (710345).
Mobile Library
Whilst not exactly an Ashbury organisation, residents will wish to be aware that the Mobile Library comes to Ashbury on alternate Thursdays. It stops initially at the Rose & Crown car park from 9.40am – 10.10am and then at the School from 10.15am-10.45am. There is a wide selection of books of all types available and those not in stock can be ordered for a small fee. The staff on board are friendly and knowledgeable and very willing to help. More members are needed if we are to keep this important service, so do try to make use of it.
Baby and Toddler Group
Mothers from the village and local area meet on Mondays during term time from 1.00pm till 2.45pm at Ashbury Village Hall for a friendly chat and to have some fun with their babies/toddlers. Ideal for children aged 0 – 4yrs. Bring a packed lunch for your little one and yourself. Contact: 710146/710358 or just turn up.
Neighbourhood Watch
The Ashbury Neighbourhood Watch Scheme (ANWS) is effectively the eyes and ears of the community. It comprises a chairman, a Secretary and local co-ordinators for different parts of the village. More detailed information is provided here. Contact: The Secretary – 710273
Prayer Group
Meetings are held on Monday mornings, from 10.00am till 11.00am, at alternating venues within the village. All are welcome. For more information on venues and dates contact: 710333
Senior Citizens
The club provides monthly activities for people over 60 (eg social activities, outings, talks, etc.) Meetings are held at the Village Hall in Ashbury and there is usually a raffle, tea and biscuits. New members are most welcome. Contact: Sue Reade on 710208
Village Hall Committee
The Committee oversees the business and maintenance of the Village Hall. More detailed information may be found here. Contact: The Secretary – 710801
Women’s Fellowship
Meetings are held at the Free Church on Wednesdays at 2.15pm. Contact: 710759
Women’s Institute
Ashbury does not have its own Women’s Institute but a number of Ashbury women belong to WIs in the neighbouring villages of Bishopstone with Hinton Parva (Contact: 783822) or Shrivenham (Contact: 01367 241384).
Click here to find our more about the Bishopstone with Hinton Parva WI and to view its annual programme of events; guests and new members are always most welcome.