Local Neighbourhood Watch Schemes (NWS) are effectively the eyes and ears of the police.
In Ashbury the NWS comprises a Chairman, a Secretary and local Co-ordinators for different parts of the village
CHAIRMAN: Mr Roger Simons: Tower Lodge, Church Lane, Ashbury
(Tel: 710801 or 07977 418680, Email: rogersimons1@outlook.com)
SECRETARY: Mrs Nicola Foster: Waylands Lodge, Church Lane, Ashbury
(Tel: 710838 or 07971 962693, Email: Nicola@waylandslodge.com)
Mr Kevin & Mrs Lyn Clark : 22 Idstone Road
(Tel: 710326, Email: kevin.clarke@bunce.co.uk)
Mrs Helen Hawley: Honeysuckle Cottage, Kingstone Winslow
(Tel: 710129, Email: helenhawley@btinternet.com)
Mrs Marion Jefferys 2 Wixes Piece, Ashbury
(Tel: 710526 Email: marionjefferys@gmail.com)
Mrs Peggy Leon: Millstone, Kingstone Winslow.
(Tel: 710273 Email: peggyleon@live.co.uk)
Mr Alex McGlashan: 4 Chapel Lane, Ashbury
(Tel: 710754 E mail: alexmcglashan@btinternet.com)
Mrs Anne Reynolds: Ridgeway House, Idstone.
(Tel: 07922 110914 Email: a2013reynolds@gmail.com)
Mr Reece Rousell: Garden Cottage, Berrycroft, Ashbury.
(Tel: 710641 Email: reece rousell@ Hotmail.co.uk)
Mr Vic Tombs: 3 Pound Piece, Ashbury.
(Tel: 71045)
Mrs Marion Turner: Claremont, Ashbury
(Tel: 710302 Email: marionlturner@me.com)
Sgt for Faringdon & Wantage Neighbourhood Teams: Sgt 4715 Kev Hickman
Tel: 101 Email: kevin.hickman@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk
P.C Support Officer: Maralyn Pack Tel: 07779 586392
Email: maralyn.pack@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk
Police Enquiry Centre for ALL non-emergency reports of crime and enquiries: Tel: 101