Ashbury Village Hall Management Committee (Charity No. 292821)
Annual Report of the Chairman and Secretary
This report covers the period from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023.
During the year to April 2023 Chairman: Maggie Simons, Secretary: Margaret Smith, Treasurer: Jo Cholmeley, Booking Secretary: Lynn Clarke, Building Renovations Officer: Roger Baker. Additional committee members were: Julia Blake, Simon Edwards (from October 2022), Rev. Norma Fergusson (St Marys Church), Eliza Lewis, Diane Lovegrove, Christopher Prentice (Parish Council), Sue Reade (Community Club), Pete Smith, Vic Tombs (retired February 2023), Kate Watkins (Mother and Toddler Group), Julie Carr (Mother and Toddler Group – from January 2023).
Committee meetings were held in the Village Hall on 4th May 2022, 6th October 2022 and 11th January 2023. Margaret Smith, Secretary, prepared and circulated minutes which are signed by the Chairman after approval of the committee and filed in the Hall Minutes File kept by the Secretary. Electronic copies are also available.
Fund raising activities
A village Quiz Night was held on 11th March, 2023 raising over £700.
Hall use
Karate classes, Community Club and Toddler Group continued through the year as well as the Indoor Bowls Group through the winter months. The hall has also been used by some dancers to practice, Parish Council meetings, Art Classes, the Church Christmas Bazaar, a Christmas Concert raising funds for Christmas Care, Swindon and a Plant and Cake sale raising funds for Ukraine. There were several private parties and in June there was a Platinum Jubilee Exhibition featuring Ashbury over the last 70 years together with themed art and craft items from the school.
Internal works and items
Textile Map: The condition of the map was monitored throughout the year and the tubes of silica gel refreshed when necessary.
A group of the committee met in June to rub down and repaint the legs on some of the red chairs which were showing flaking with some rusting. The old wooden chairs were removed to store in Richard Green’s barn in Idstone.
After a leak in the kitchen ceiling over the cooker the cooker hood outlet was moved to the wall and the roof tiles replaced. The ceiling had new plasterboard and was painted.
Some plumbing issues in the toilets were corrected but some are ongoing and will need more work and, possibly, new taps.
During the year Kate had rearranged the storage cupboard to make better use of the space and allow the bowls mat to be stored flat on its trolley.
There is some flaking paint which will need to be repainted during the new year.
External works
External Walls: Work restarted on the walls in September and the front wall was finished as well as walls around the front door. More work is needed on the side walls but locating the right stone is causing the delay. Disappointingly the very wet weather and the extreme cold caused some of the chalk and render to fail. Decisions still have to be made as to the next steps in this work.
During the year the front window was replaced with new leaded lights made in the village by Peter King. Quotes are being sought for secondary glazing for this window. Quotes were received for the work needed on the other external windows and doors as per Roger Baker’s report. Grants were received from the William Cash Fund and the Landfill Communities Fund towards this work. Most of the work has been completed including a new back door and kitchen window but painting still needs to be finished and the back door needs a new lock. It was decided to replace the window to the disabled toilet, quotes are being sought for this.
Roger Baker continues to monitor all exterior walls.
Gravel area at rear
Vic continued to tend the roses until his retirement in February. We will need to find someone else to take on this job.
Health and safety issues
There was some concern about the security of the large ladder storage when there were small children around. It was agreed to move it to the front of the hall behind the chairs.
Kevin Clarke continued to keep the grounds tidy and the outside windows cleaned. Lynn Clarke continued to clean the hall weekly. Both are paid for doing this work.
Village website
The Village Hall section of the website has been updated and with the help of Duncan changes can now be made including keeping the booking diary up to date.
Balance at Bank a/c 1 as at 31st March 2023 £12,965.09
Balance at Bank a/c 2 as at 31st March 2023 £10,160.16
Black Rock Investment as at 31st March 2023 £159,869.61
to all committee members who take on extra work to ensure the hall remains in good condition for the village.
Maggie Simons (Chairman)
Margaret Smith (Secretary)