Those present:
Mr. R. Gigg Chairman
Mr. R.Simons New Chairman
Mrs. P. Leon Secretary
PSCO Maralyn Pack
Mrs. E. Law
Mr. R. Rousell
Mrs. M. Smith
Mr. V. Tombs
Mrs. M Turner
1. Ray Gigg opened the meeting by welcoming all those present and thanking all those who have supported him during his twenty years as Chairman. He then handed the meeting over to Roger Simons who has kindly agreed to become Chairman of Ashbury Neighbourhood Watch. Peggy Leon agreed to carry on as secretary until a replacement could be found, hopefully before the next annual meeting.
2. Following Leonie Knott’s move a new co-ordinator is needed for Walnut Tree Road and Wixes Close. Action RS
3. Apologies were received from Mr & Mrs K. Clark.
4. Peggy Leon will write an item for the Newsletter regarding the change of Chairman. She also agreed to write an aknowledgement of Leonie Knotts involvement as a co-ordinator before her move. Action PL
Crime Update
5. Maralyn Pack brought the meeting up to date with the Neighbourhood Policing Newsletter for June 2015. She spoke of the increase in car breaks in the surrounding area. Copies of the monthly newsletter can be seen on the Valley police website Vic Tombs agreed to distribute copies to residents and post on village notice boards. Action VT
6. Maralyn Pack welcomed the arrival of Sergeant Ryan James as a new member of the Faringdon team.
Nag 1 Report
7. Roger Simons updated the meeting on the latest NAG 1 by saying the anticipated problem of diverted traffic, when the A420 was closed, did not happen and nothing more had been said regarding more tax on churches.
Any Other Business
8. The Purpose of keeping the neighbourhood watch meetings going was discussed. Roger Simons felt it was necessary as not everyone had access to the internet and the telephone cascade worked quicker than the Ringmaster when anything needed to be broadcast to the residents of the Parish of Ashbury.
9. Peggy Leon agreed to give Roger Simons a list of all the co-ordinators telephone numbers. Action PL
10. Marion Turner reported a small problem which has arisen between residence of Malthouse Close and new residents in Wixes Piece. It was agreed that it would be best to contact the Company which owns the properties in Wixes Piece if the problem gets worse.
To those present and Sergeant R. James, Mr. A. McGlashan, Mr. M Watts and Ms. T. Besley, Mr. & Mrs. K. Clark, Mrs. H. Hawley.
Date of the Next Meeting
Roger Simons suggested the month of June, 2016 for the date of the next meeting. Co-ordinators will be advised nearer the time. Action PL