The feedback arising from the Pre-submission Consultation, where both parish residents and specified statutory bodies were consulted on the Plan, gave rise to some constructive suggestions that have, where appropriate, been incorporated into the Plan documents.   On behalf of the Parish Council, the Steering Group submitted this the finalised* Neighbourhood Plan to the District Council [VWHDC] for examination on 9th October 2018.   

*  Subject to the examiner’s feedback

The finalised Plan documents can be accessed by clicking the respective links under ‘related pages’ to the left of this page as before.   Also listed are the ‘Consultation Report’, summarising the methodology of the pre-submission consultation and the responses received, and the ‘Basic Conditions Statement’ setting out how the Plan meets the specified conditions, both of which are mandatory documents produced in support of the submission .   Since then VWHDC has held the statutory  ‘publicity period’ for the Plan that produced ten, mostly benign, comments albeit a few will require some additional work.  

Subsequently the Independent Examiner was appointed and provided his feedback that was generally positive with only a few proposed changes, all of which were accepted by the Steering Group and incorporated in the finalised version of the Plan.   This in turn was ‘signed-off’ by the District Council clearing the way for the all important referendum.

Having achieved a satisfactory outcome, the Plan will now be the subject of a referendum organised & operated by the District Council which has been called for Thursday 4th July 2019.   If we secure a positive outcome the Plan will then go back to the District Council for final approval when it will be deemed to be ‘made’ and become a link in the planning process when considering future development within the Parish.  

Getting this far has obviously been a lengthy and complicated process and the steering group would like to thank parish residents & local businesses for the support and assistance that we have received over the last 2-years – it really is appreciated.  

If you have any remaining queries, or have difficulty accessing any of the examination documents, do not hesitate to get in touch either by Email at or by contacting one of the steering group – see link to the left of this page.